Getting involved
Many the gifts, many the works, one in the Lord of all. One bread, one body, one Lord of all. One cup of blessing which we bless. And we, though many, throughout the earth. We are one body in this one Lord - extract from the hymn "One bread, one body" by John Foley, Jesuit priest
Many people contribute their many different talents and gifts to the life of our community at Holy Innocents’. Father Victor often reminds us that all of this ministry (that is, work or service to build up the church), whether in the spotlight or behind the scenes, is equally valuable.
Everyone, young or old, newcomer or long-time member of the parish, is welcome to become involved (or more involved) in what we do here at Holy Innocents’. Here are some ways in which you can get involved.
What is ministry?
Any form of work or service for the Church or in its life and mission.
It isn't just things we do related to our liturgy
(eucharistic ministry, reading at Mass, music ministry and so on),
important though they are, that are "ministries";
rather, all service is ministry
If you are new to the parish, you are very welcome. Do let us know you’ve arrived:
- introduce yourself to Father Victor or one of the team
- take a Welcome Pack from the porch
- fill in the newcomers form on this website or complete a newcomers card in the porch
- introduce yourself to some parishioners
- stay behind for refreshments when we have them after Mass.
Joining in
There are many forms of ministry at Holy Innocents’ and we have many groups and activities. Prayer, social and other meetings and events are advertised in the Newsletter, on the noticeboards and on the News and events pages of this website.
For most ministries, prayer gatherings, groups and social events, you are welcome simply to go along. For some roles, such as those involving children, you may need to be chosen by Father Victor, to have a safeguarding check or to have particular skills or training. If in doubt, the easiest way to find out is to get in touch with the relevant contact person shown on this website or in the Newsletter or to contact the Parish Office.
For most ministries, prayer gatherings, groups and social events, you are welcome simply to go along. For some roles, such as those involving children, you may need to be chosen by Father Victor, to have a safeguarding check or to have particular skills or training. If in doubt, the easiest way to find out is to get in touch with the relevant contact person shown on this website or in the Newsletter or to contact the Parish Office.
Serving and supporting in other ways
You might be reading all this and thinking that you would love to carry out a ministry in the parish or to join a group or activity – but there may be reasons you cannot at the moment.
Your ministry might be raising a family or caring for a loved one. You could be getting to know your neighbours and settling into the area, or serving the wider community in other ways. These are all ways to represent Christ and His church in the world.
If you are housebound or infirm, you might find it quite difficult to get out, let alone come to church. In that case, please do let the Parish Office know, so we can keep in touch.
If you are able, please find time to read our Newsletter and pray regularly for the parish, its activities and people.
Your ministry might be raising a family or caring for a loved one. You could be getting to know your neighbours and settling into the area, or serving the wider community in other ways. These are all ways to represent Christ and His church in the world.
If you are housebound or infirm, you might find it quite difficult to get out, let alone come to church. In that case, please do let the Parish Office know, so we can keep in touch.
If you are able, please find time to read our Newsletter and pray regularly for the parish, its activities and people.
We know that for many, just finding enough money to live on can be very difficult. But we ask those parishioners who are able to do so to be as generous as possible in their financial support to our parish, in the weekly collections, by supporting fundraising events, by joining the 200 Club and by considering leaving a legacy to the parish.
Because of strain on the parish finances caused by the costs of maintenance of our parish buildings and the effort to raise money for our planned new Parish Complex, we have regular second collections at weekend Masses.
You can sign up for the Gift Aid scheme which allows us to reclaim 25p on every £1 donated by a UK taxpayer who has signed the relevant form.
Contact (Gift Aid) contact the Parish Office
(200 Club) Ojes Paul or via the Parish Office)
Because of strain on the parish finances caused by the costs of maintenance of our parish buildings and the effort to raise money for our planned new Parish Complex, we have regular second collections at weekend Masses.
You can sign up for the Gift Aid scheme which allows us to reclaim 25p on every £1 donated by a UK taxpayer who has signed the relevant form.
Contact (Gift Aid) contact the Parish Office
(200 Club) Ojes Paul or via the Parish Office)