Social and support groups and activities
It’s me… it’s you… it’s us… it’s love… it’s Christ who builds community -
The Community Song
The Community Song, quoted above, is a great favourite at our Sunday 10 am Mass. It reminds us in a very vivid way that each of us has a part to play in helping everyone – visitors, newcomers, existing parishioners – to feel at home in our parish community.
Getting to know each other better; having fun together; offering support to each other – these are all important elements of community building and you can find them in many aspects of our parish life. In this section you can find out more about some of the groups and activities at Holy Innocents’ which seek to build our community in these ways. Newcomers, and new volunteers, are always welcome.
Our regular social and fundraising events include:
Getting to know each other better; having fun together; offering support to each other – these are all important elements of community building and you can find them in many aspects of our parish life. In this section you can find out more about some of the groups and activities at Holy Innocents’ which seek to build our community in these ways. Newcomers, and new volunteers, are always welcome.
Our regular social and fundraising events include:
- Plant Sale
- Cake Sale
- The annual Parish Day
- Raffles
Our Bereavement Support Group offers friendship to those who are grieving the death of a loved one, whatever the circumstances. The members of the team are not counsellors but have received training to ensure they listen with empathy.
As part of the ministry they attend all the funerals and keep in touch with the next of kin. If anyone would like to talk to one of the team in complete confidence, they can be contacted via the Parish Office and can be assured of a warm welcome.
The monthly Healing Mass is another source of consolation for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.
At our annual Mass of Remembrance in November, we read out the names of those who have died during the past year as we light a candle in their memory.
Many of our bereaved parishioners have become friends through the Group's coffee mornings which are advertised in the Newsletter.
Contact Helen Dwyer co-ordinator.... [email protected]
Thank you
As part of the ministry they attend all the funerals and keep in touch with the next of kin. If anyone would like to talk to one of the team in complete confidence, they can be contacted via the Parish Office and can be assured of a warm welcome.
The monthly Healing Mass is another source of consolation for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.
At our annual Mass of Remembrance in November, we read out the names of those who have died during the past year as we light a candle in their memory.
Many of our bereaved parishioners have become friends through the Group's coffee mornings which are advertised in the Newsletter.
Contact Helen Dwyer co-ordinator.... [email protected]
Thank you
Meeting twice a month on the second and fourth Friday mornings from 11 am to 12.30 pm, Friday Club is an opportunity for anybody, of any age, to meet for crafts, activities, refreshments, socialising and conversation in good company.
The meetings are always advertised in theNewsletter.
Contact Prem Coutinho via the Parish Office
The meetings are always advertised in the
Contact Prem Coutinho via the Parish Office
Our Holy Innocents’ Golf Club takes advantage of the many golf courses in the Orpington area for friendly matches and periodic competitions.
An annual parish Golf Day is held in late May at a local course. It is open to parishioners and guests, who play 27 holes and have two competitions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
Contact Nigel de Gruchy via the Parish Office
An annual parish Golf Day is held in late May at a local course. It is open to parishioners and guests, who play 27 holes and have two competitions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
Contact Nigel de Gruchy via the Parish Office
The Knights of St Columba (KSC) is a national organisation of Catholic men. It has a long history of involvement in welfare, youth and charity work. The Orpington Council, which covers several local parishes, meets in our neighbouring parish of St. James the Great in Petts Wood on the third Monday of each month.
The Catenians provide a social network for Catholic laymen and their families and offer support to members in times of difficulty or need, with ongoing concern for deceased members' widows and dependants. There are local Circles in Bromley and Chislehurst.
Contact Peter Standen for the KSC; or for the Catenians via the Parish Office
The Catenians provide a social network for Catholic laymen and their families and offer support to members in times of difficulty or need, with ongoing concern for deceased members' widows and dependants. There are local Circles in Bromley and Chislehurst.
Contact Peter Standen for the KSC; or for the Catenians via the Parish Office
Refreshments (Under review)
We have regular social events in the parish, with the dual aim of having a good time together and raising a bit of money for the parish. Each of these events – some of which take place in the hall of Holy Innocents’ Catholic School or in the Scout Hut in the school grounds – is advertised well in advance in the Newsletter and is open to all.
These events include our annual Parish Day, with an outdoor Mass followed by a barbeque, stalls and games for the children; and popular favourites such as race and quiz nights.
Contact Sister Esther via the Parish Office
These events include our annual Parish Day, with an outdoor Mass followed by a barbeque, stalls and games for the children; and popular favourites such as race and quiz nights.
Contact Sister Esther via the Parish Office
One of the longest-running social groups in our parish, the Walkers’ Group usually meets in the afternoon on the second Sunday of each month, with start times varying according to season, for a walk of approximately one and a half to two hours. There is also an all-day walk in the spring.
Walking is not only a healthy pursuit, but also an excellent way to meet old friends and make new ones while walking in our beautiful countryside and villages. Why not try it? Suitable footwear (walking boots or shoes, or trainers) should always be worn.
Brief details of each walk, with meeting place and name and telephone number for the walk organiser, are published in theNewsletter.
Contact Val Yeates via the Parish Office
Walking is not only a healthy pursuit, but also an excellent way to meet old friends and make new ones while walking in our beautiful countryside and villages. Why not try it? Suitable footwear (walking boots or shoes, or trainers) should always be worn.
Brief details of each walk, with meeting place and name and telephone number for the walk organiser, are published in the
Contact Val Yeates via the Parish Office
One of our most popular fundraising activities, our 200 Club provides members the chance to win some significant prizes while supporting our fundraising for the planned new Parish Complex. A small subscription provides the chance of a win – or the consolation that you are supporting the parish!
The draw takes place on the second Sunday of each month, with amounts totalling £200 paid to winners, rising at Christmas and Easter to £1000.
Contact Steve Pallett (07949 509528 or via the Parish Office)
The draw takes place on the second Sunday of each month, with amounts totalling £200 paid to winners, rising at Christmas and Easter to £1000.
Contact Steve Pallett (07949 509528 or via the Parish Office)