All our parish groups and activities
You will find below a link to sections on each of our parish groups and activities. If you want to learn more about any of them, or if you are interested in participating or volunteering to help, get in touch with the contact person shown in the relevant section or with the Parish Office.
Sharing my time and talents..... see volunteer sign-up form
Sharing my time and talents..... see volunteer sign-up form

parish_-_planned_giving_drive_-_weekend_3_-_volunteer_sign-up_form_-_version_2.docx | |
File Size: | 54 kb |
File Type: | docx |
LITURGY – Holy Innocents’ Worship
HANDING ON OUR FAITH Training as a Catechist for
LITURGY – Holy Innocents’ Worship
HANDING ON OUR FAITH Training as a Catechist for
- Reading
- Altar Servers
- Choir
- Music Ministry
- Welcoming people at Mass
- Collectors at Mass
- Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist
HANDING ON OUR FAITH Training as a Catechist for
- Baptism Preparation
- 1st Communion Journey
- RCIA/Journey in Faith (preparing adults for sacraments)
- Confirmation Journey
- Children’s Liturgy
- Youth Ministry
LITURGY – Holy Innocents’ Worship
- Reading
- Altar Servers
- Choir
- Music Ministry
- Welcoming people at Mass
- Collectors at Mass
- Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist
HANDING ON OUR FAITH Training as a Catechist for
- Baptism Preparation
- 1st Communion Journey
- RCIA/Journey in Faith (preparing adults for sacraments)
- Confirmation
- Children’s Liturgy
- Youth Ministry
CARING FOR ONE ANOTHER - Good Neighbours To All (GNTA)
- Saint Vincent de Paul (SVP)
- Bereavement Group
- Welcoming Newcomers
- Teas and coffees after Sunday Mass
- Warm Spaces
OTHER PARISH MINISTRY - Church care – Altar Linen
- Helping with office jobs
- IT and Communications
- Counting/Banking Money
- Social and Fundraising Group
- Holy Innocents’ Fellowship Group
- Churches Together in Orpington (CTO)
- Flower Arranging
- Gardening and Ground Maintenance
- Building Maintenance
- Walkers Group
- 200 Club
- Parish Evangelisation Cells (PECS)
- Safe-guarding