Our social action
An authentic faith – which is never comfortable or completely personal – always involves a deep desire to change the world, to transmit values, to leave this earth somehow better that we found it - Pope Francis
Jesus healed lepers and blind beggars. He ate with sinners and invited himself to dinner with Zacchaeus, the hated tax collector. He chatted amicably with an outcast Samaritan woman. In these and many other ways, He reached out to those on the margins of society; to people whom others would prefer to forget. And He calls on us to do the same.
This is why social action is such an important part of our mission at Holy Innocents’, as it is for every Catholic parish. We can’t meet every need in the world; but that doesn’t stop us trying to do what we can.
In this section, you can read about various social action groups and causes which are supported by people in the parish. As you can see, they give the people of Holy Innocents’ many different ways of becoming involved; new members and supporters for these various groups and activities are always welcome.
But they tell only part of the story. Hardly a week goes by without our parishioners responding generously to appeals for money or practical help from many other good causes. In recent times, these have ranged from overseas missions to local women’s refuges, from supporting Palestinian Christians and parishes in other parts of the world to thinking about how we can help those in our community who suffer from issues related to their mental well-being.
Bromley Borough Foodbank
Holy Innocents’ is a strong supporter of the Bromley Borough Foodbank, recognising the great work it does in providing for those in need in the area. We have weekly collections of items which are delivered to the food bank and we also provide support in response to specific requests and holiday needs such as at Easter and Christmas.
Contact Donal O'Sullivan or via the Parish Office
See pdf below for urgent update March 3 2020
Contact Donal O'Sullivan or via the Parish Office
See pdf below for urgent update March 3 2020

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Catholic Fund for Overseas Development (CAFOD)

Our local branch of CAFOD supports the work of this leading Catholic aid agency, raising funds to support appeals for help in the developing world and raising awareness of the continuing needs. The parish enthusiastically supports CAFOD’s Lenten and other Fast Day appeals and there is a slot for donations in the interior porch by the newspapers.
CAFOD is the official Catholic aid agency for England and Wales. Across the world it brings hope and compassion to poor communities, standing side by side with them to end poverty and injustice. CAFOD works with people of all faiths and none.
Inspired by the Word of God and Catholic social teaching, and the experiences and hopes of people living in poverty, CAFOD works for a safe, sustainable and peaceful world.
Contact The Parish Office
CAFOD is the official Catholic aid agency for England and Wales. Across the world it brings hope and compassion to poor communities, standing side by side with them to end poverty and injustice. CAFOD works with people of all faiths and none.
Inspired by the Word of God and Catholic social teaching, and the experiences and hopes of people living in poverty, CAFOD works for a safe, sustainable and peaceful world.
Contact The Parish Office
Catholic Women's League (CWL)
The CWL unites Catholic women in friendship and encourages members to use their skills and talents in the service of the Church and the community at local, national and international levels.
We have an active CWL section in the parish. It does lots of fundraising for various causes and is also involved in our prayer life, for example inviting parishioners into members’ homes during May to pray the rosary together.
CWL meetings are held at 2pm on the last Thursday of each month other than August and December. There is a short business meeting followed by social meeting, which may include a speaker or demonstration. The programme of meetings is displayed on the noticeboard in the church. (Noticeboard is pending.)
Contact Gerry Fane via the Parish Office
We have an active CWL section in the parish. It does lots of fundraising for various causes and is also involved in our prayer life, for example inviting parishioners into members’ homes during May to pray the rosary together.
CWL meetings are held at 2pm on the last Thursday of each month other than August and December. There is a short business meeting followed by social meeting, which may include a speaker or demonstration. The programme of meetings is displayed on the noticeboard in the church. (Noticeboard is pending.)
Contact Gerry Fane via the Parish Office
Churches Together In Orpington (CTIO)
Holy Innocents’ is proud to be part of Churches Together in Orpington, which brings together the Christian churches in the Orpington area. CTIO is responsible for various initiatives, including Street Pastors, and also organises an annual Walk of Witness on Good Friday. For over 30 years we have hosted an annual Epiphany Carol Service for CTIO, involving many of the member churches.
Contact Cecilia Skudder via the Parish Office
Contact Cecilia Skudder via the Parish Office
Hospital ministry |
A small team of our eucharistic ministers visits Catholic patients in our local hospitals and distributes Holy Communion to them, usually on Thursday and Sunday each week. This pastoral service to those in need is a natural extension of the eucharistic ministry of the parishioners involved.
Contact Roni Brand (for Thursdays)via the Parish Office
Contact Roni Brand (for Thursdays)via the Parish Office
Justice and Peace Group
Our Justice and Peace group seeks to raise the profile and increase awareness of these important aspects of Christian theology and how they should impact on our daily lives. It aims to act as a catalyst within the parish for encouraging projects centring on the idea of "Living Simply", building on the themes developed by Pope Francis in his encyclical Laudato Si.
The Group also works towards enhancing the support we already provide as a parish to particular communities in other parts off the world; and finding ways to help those nearer to home who are enduring the privations of poverty and homelessness.
Contact Russell Brockett (020 8467 8931 or via the Parish Office)
Ian Wilson (07753621069 or via the Parish Office)
See pdf below on Parish update on Living Simply
May 2018
The Group also works towards enhancing the support we already provide as a parish to particular communities in other parts off the world; and finding ways to help those nearer to home who are enduring the privations of poverty and homelessness.
Contact Russell Brockett (020 8467 8931 or via the Parish Office)
Ian Wilson (07753621069 or via the Parish Office)
See pdf below on Parish update on Living Simply
May 2018

parish_update_may_2018_vs_3__2_.pdf | |
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Missio (formerly APF or the Association for the Propagation of the Faith)
Missio is part of a worldwide fundraising body. It plays a crucial role supporting the local Church overseas and sharing the light of Christ by training priests, building churches and combating injustice, disease, poverty and exploitation in 157 countries.
Members return their red boxes for the contents to be collected and counted each spring and autumn; and receive the magazine Mission Today.
Contact Moira Kelly via the Parish Office
Members return their red boxes for the contents to be collected and counted each spring and autumn; and receive the magazine Mission Today.
Contact Moira Kelly via the Parish Office
St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP)

The SVP is an international Christian voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty and disadvantage by providing practical assistance to those in need. Our local branch (or ‘Conference’) of the SVP is very active and well-supported by the parish. Members visit and support one-parent families, re-housed persons, the frail or vulnerable elderly and young, fugitives from violent relationships or societies, and immigrant refugees.
An annual appeal for funds is made to the parish. Monies donated in response to that appeal and at other times are spent helping those who are being visited, either for necessary items or vouchers, during the year or at Christmas; and support is given to parishes in India with which we are twinned.
Our local Conference meets on one Wednesday evening a month at 7.30 pm in the Parish Centre.
Holy Innocents' is ‘twinned’ with St. Augustine’s & Infant Jesus Conferences, both in Kerala, India. We have supported several projects there, such as providing sewing machines, goats, education and interest-free loans to families to set them up in business. See our St Augustine's Housing project.
‘Friends of the SVP’ has been launched by the SVP for those wishing to make annual donations. You can find a “Become a Friend” form in the church porch and an application form will be sent to you, or you can apply directly to SVP (5th Floor 291-299 Borough High St, London SE1 1JG; tel: 020 7407 4644 or by email).
Contact Father Victor
Minnie Vinnies (Branch of Young Vincentians)
The Parish Mini Vinnies were commissioned at the end of September 2019.
Aged between the age of 7 and 11 years they usually meet after 10am Mass every Sunday.
Mini Vinnies is about doing good works in the community, but it is also about young people meeting to talk and share ideas and concerns, to have fun and to support each other.
The Vinnies model of ‘See, Think, Do’ is a great way to get young people thinking and talking about their spirituality; by connecting their beliefs and values with service activities and issues in their community, they can help make their faith real, meaningful and relevant.
Typically the group will meet regularly and will set goals on what they want to do and achieve. The group will look at why they need to do something and how they will do it.
During this time of lock down and isolation we have been unable to meet.
SVP Youth team have been adding activities to the SVP Mini Vinnies hub.
These activities are accessible through the link https://www.svp.org.uk/mini-vinnies/activities
Contact Parish office
An annual appeal for funds is made to the parish. Monies donated in response to that appeal and at other times are spent helping those who are being visited, either for necessary items or vouchers, during the year or at Christmas; and support is given to parishes in India with which we are twinned.
Our local Conference meets on one Wednesday evening a month at 7.30 pm in the Parish Centre.
Holy Innocents' is ‘twinned’ with St. Augustine’s & Infant Jesus Conferences, both in Kerala, India. We have supported several projects there, such as providing sewing machines, goats, education and interest-free loans to families to set them up in business. See our St Augustine's Housing project.
‘Friends of the SVP’ has been launched by the SVP for those wishing to make annual donations. You can find a “Become a Friend” form in the church porch and an application form will be sent to you, or you can apply directly to SVP (5th Floor 291-299 Borough High St, London SE1 1JG; tel: 020 7407 4644 or by email).
Contact Father Victor
Minnie Vinnies (Branch of Young Vincentians)
The Parish Mini Vinnies were commissioned at the end of September 2019.
Aged between the age of 7 and 11 years they usually meet after 10am Mass every Sunday.
Mini Vinnies is about doing good works in the community, but it is also about young people meeting to talk and share ideas and concerns, to have fun and to support each other.
The Vinnies model of ‘See, Think, Do’ is a great way to get young people thinking and talking about their spirituality; by connecting their beliefs and values with service activities and issues in their community, they can help make their faith real, meaningful and relevant.
Typically the group will meet regularly and will set goals on what they want to do and achieve. The group will look at why they need to do something and how they will do it.
During this time of lock down and isolation we have been unable to meet.
SVP Youth team have been adding activities to the SVP Mini Vinnies hub.
These activities are accessible through the link https://www.svp.org.uk/mini-vinnies/activities
Contact Parish office