Summer Holiday Club
Monday 20th to Friday 24th August Sarah Mills prepared ran a summer holiday club for primary school age children from 11am to 12.30pm. The theme was the Good Shepherd. The attendance varied from day to day with approximately 20 children taking part, some of who had never stepped foot in any Church. Sarah and her team of leaders and helpers encouraged the children in craft-making and there were bible stories, activities and all had an enjoyable time. Pat Morrissey wrote several hymns especially for this summer holiday club and on the Friday a play was performed, The Lost Sheep, with interaction from all, including audience participation. The play concluded with of all those present, parents, parishioners and Father Victor, following the Shepherd, Jesus, through the Church back to the hall. Pat accompanied the singing of her hymn ‘Come Follow’ on her guitar. It was a very uplifting experience.
Father Victor proffered his thanks to Sarah, Pat and everyone, especially the children, saying it was an evangelising outreach, the normally quiet month of August had been transformed and he hoped the summer school would be 2 weeks next year.
Bob Skudder filmed on the final day and excerpts can only be seen on this
link….… HTTPS://youtu.be/tHf1EV5OmTE