Seminarian Mark Spiteri spent several months at Holy Innocents' in 2014 as part of his pastoral experience. He made many friends and greatly assisted in the parish. Ordained to the priesthood on 30th June 2017 (his birthday), he returned to visit us for a few days, celebrating the 10am Mass on Sunday 17th September. He gave a unique homily addressed to children but equally relevant to all, about sin pulling us apart from each other straining our relationships. Father Mark is seen here displaying the gift from Father Victor and the parish of a silver photo frame. Now returned to Malta to continue his studies for his Masters in Theology we sincerely wish him well and trust he will return to visit us from time to time.
Parish day 2017 began with Father Victor celebrating Mass at 11am in the School grounds. Father Victor in his homily asked us if we truly believed Jesus when he said “When two or three are gathered together in My name there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18: 20.) Jesus is saying if people join together in prayer then He joins them. For when we come together in prayer it is more effective than personal prayer. Love is the antidote to jealousy . Father Victor encouraged those who attend weekday morning Mass to come a little earlier to join in the Morning Prayer. (20 minutes earlier). Though the sky was overcast many people in national costumes brought colour and splendour into the occasion, celebrating our diversity yet togetherness. England not having a national dress was somewhat of a disadvantage but no time to be discouraged, just to enjoy the beauty of that of others. Following Mass a delicious looking array of national foods from so many exotic places was laid before an eager congregation. The look of the food proves equal to the sumptuous delights tickling the tastebuds! The rain actually held off too! A great day! We thank the Lord for his bounty and bringing us together. |
December 2024
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