From 8 am helpers arrived to set up for the day, meeting together for a short time of prayer before the attendees arrived. Refreshments were served by Sister Esther and her wonderful catering team as people gathered from 9 am, followed by a time of prayer and praise.
There were a mixture of priests and parishioners from other parishes along with members and non-Cell members of Holy Innocents’ parish. Ian Insley acted as Master of Ceremonies (MC), linking all the proceedings together in his great humourist style.
Father Victor was the first speaker, sharing his personal journey towards the setting up of the Parish Evangelisation Cell System (PECS) at Holy Innocents’.
Feedback from the Director of the Westminster Diocesan Agency for Evangelisation:
“Just a very quick email to say a very big “thank you” to you and all the team for your welcome and hospitality at the school today. I came back buzzing and managed to share the joy of what I received today with almost 100 new Catholics at Westminster Cathedral before their 6pm Mass with the Cardinal.
God bless you all and all that you do. Fr Chris (Vipers)"
See link to video 1 of Morning session....
... www.youtube.com/watch?v=11IMOGQOKj0
See link to video 2 of Afternoon session...
See more in the report via link below.......

pecs_awareness_day_final_report_for_website.pdf |