7 December ....Father Garry has sent a further message ....
I shared the three Parish Evangelisation Cell System (PECS)Leaders Training Manuals with Ignatius who is a Seminarian from Zambia, and also with two young trainee catechists, Fredrick Jah and Christopher Quaye who are from villages around Bomi Hills.
After studying the Manual, they started using the format in September. They currently visit four 'cells' within the town, weekly: Balasua which has twenty-five Adult Members, Bahai Centre has nineteen members, Kondeh which has twelve and Joseph's Town with eight members.
Ignatius, Fredrick and Christopher have found the manual very helpful. They are particularly 'touched' by the Cell Prayer which begins each meeting. For the Lectio Divina they select the Gospel for the forthcoming Sunday. The participation of the cell members, that is their 'sharing', is encouraging.
The people are already used to the Intercessions - as at Sunday Mass we always have spontaneous prayer. During the concluding prayer we pray especially for the sick and seek from the Lord the 'spirit' to continue our evangelisation.
Frederick has just noted that after the conclusion of the meeting, the Cell Leader takes them to the homes of members who could not attend.
On behalf of everyone here, Ignatius wishes to express gratitude for the three manuals.
With kindest regards, Garry.

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